An Evening with Chéri Ballinger
Modeling True Feminism
October 13 2023
106th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun
(Video and Photo Gallery)

Gathering to sing Hail Holy Queen to honor Our Lady of Fatima
Fr. Michael Magiera’s Invocation
… Heavenly Father, how often do we forget in our enthusiasm to realize that it is not You Who need us, but it is we who need You so desperately? Though we know that, to be a true Catholic, we must always stand ready to do battle with the weapons you give us. Continue, we beg, to remind us how much we need You, how much misguided powers in our society, bent on perverting Your Order, insist that men are the same as women and women are the same as men, all this without qualification or distinction. Both masculine and feminine are downgraded to the basest of core elements and then reworked to be the opposite of the order You created. … Click Here to Keep Reading