by: Vicki Yamasaki, founder and chair, Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace Contact:

Sister Mary of St. Peter, a remarkable Carmelite nun of the 19th century, was chosen by Jesus Christ to receive profound visions and messages. Through these divine encounters, she was called to honor the Holy Face of Jesus and spread this devotion as a reparative act for blasphemy, profanation of Sundays, and other offenses against God, especially violations of the First Three Commandments. Jesus proclaimed to her, “My Holy Face is the reflection of my sufferings and my glory. Those who venerate it shall receive in abundance my blessings and graces.”

Driven by these revelations, Sister Mary of St. Peter dedicated her life to prayers, acts of devotion, and promoting the Holy Face devotion to atone for these grave sins. Responding to the profound importance of these revelations, Pope Leo XIII established the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face in 1885, a pivotal institution dedicated to spreading this devotion. With granted indulgences and privileges, the Archconfraternity encouraged the faithful to join in the Work of Reparation, combatting atheism, secularism, and Communism through the spiritual veneration of the Holy Face of Jesus.

A Legacy of Saints and Miracles

The Holy Face devotion has captivated many saints throughout history. Saint Veronica, who tenderly and courageously wiped the face of Jesus on the way to Calvary, witnessed the miraculous transfer of His image onto her veil. This sacred relic has been preserved and venerated by various popes, serving as a powerful reminder of His suffering and glory. Saint Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower, held a deep devotion to the Holy Face, incorporating it into her spiritual journey.

When we adore His Holy Face, reflecting upon Veronica’s Veil, we immerse ourselves into Jesus’ suffering, offering Him consolation. The veil, safeguarded alongside the bodies of Saints Peter and Paul in the catacombs, underscores the significance of His divine countenance.

“The Holy Face is my only treasure, my joy, my love, my all.” – St Therese of Lisieux

Challenges in Devotion: Stories of Perseverance

Engaging in the Work of Reparation and devotion to the Holy Face can bring forth extraordinary challenges—demons appearing, sickness, and spirits of delay. Both Sister Mary of St. Peter and St. Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face faced severe illnesses and untimely deaths, embodying their unwavering commitment.

Consider these current testimonies: During a two-week veneration of the Vatican-sanctioned relic of the Holy Face in October 2024, I endured severe migraines compounded by flu-like symptoms, even requiring hospital visits. Despite these adversities, the event proceeded to a sold-out crowd with Father Ted Rothrock, reflecting the power and presence of the Holy Face.

Another person overseeing a national ministry for the Holy Face relic, has been recently diagnosed with spreading melanoma. Such challenges highlight the importance of perseverance and courage, drawing inspiration from saints like Veronica, Sister Mary of St. Peter, and St. Therese of Lisieux.

Jesus’ message to Sister Mary of St. Peter was clear: “Satan will wage war against this devotion, but his efforts will be in vain.” Despite countless attempts to suppress it, the Holy Face devotion has prevailed, shining as a beacon of hope and reparation.

Restoring Splendor through Devotion

Our Church faces unprecedented challenges—loss of faith, internal corruption, the spread of modernism and the threat of Communism. We know very well when Bella Dodd testified to Congress that she helped recruit 1200 communist men into seminaries from the 1920s to 1950s that this would destroy the Church from within. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, we are losing the flock to secularist notions, allowing the government and globalists to infiltrate the Church. We have witnessed blasphemous acts and abominations done in wide open view by priests. Our Lord told Sister Mary of St. Peter that blasphemies are normally unpardonable because they are committed against the Divinity, because such attacks are against God directly. But there is a reparation that can restore the splendor we once had. We need to rise up and realize we have the spiritual weapon of choice that the entire world and Church needs.

The Holy Face Chaplet and Golden Arrow Prayer, prayed before His Holy Face, are spiritual weapons capable of restoring the Church’s splendor. When prayed with devotion, it is said to delight the Sacred Heart of Jesus and bring torrents of grace for the conversion of sinners.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen recognized that the United States was culturally a socialist state. We are just one step closer to the last step which is Communism. Thank God we have President Trump and his team for America, but we need holy Church leaders who are not swayed by progressive arguments, that will put a stop to this modernistic revolution. Realize that this revolution is against God Himself and God-fearing Catholics.

Communism is about atheism. It is about stripping society of morality in favor of socialist principles. People mistakenly focus on the communist principles of economics and while this important it misses the fact that at the heart of communism there is a demonic goal wishing to remove all worship of God. Priests and parishes who turn their churches into social justice projects and the USCCB as a front for the government have taken the leap into socialism, away from its primary mission of saving souls.

The Holy Face devotion, along with devotions to the Immaculate Heart and Sacred Heart, offers a divine remedy against the spiritual cancer of Communism. Introduced in 1848, the same year as Marx’s Communist Manifesto, this devotion is Heaven’s counter to atheistic demonic control.

Sister Mary of St. Peter’s lifelong struggle to disseminate Jesus’ messages saw opposition from revolutionary forces, both inside and outside the Church. However, through perseverance and the support of holy individuals like Venerable Leo Dupont, these messages were eventually approved.

Today, the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face extends globally, offering us an opportunity to restore the Church and vanquish Communism.

Call to Action

As we approach the Feast of the Holy Face of Jesus on Shrove Tuesday, March 4th, we call upon all CUP members to fervently pray the Golden Arrow Prayer and Holy Face Chaplet. Come before the Blessed Sacrament starting now and pray for the sins committed against God the Father. Let us unite in prayer to defeat Communism and restore the Church.

Our allies leading Defenders of the Holy Name of God have prepared materials for you. Click below to download and engage in this sacred devotion.