by Guest Author | May 7, 2022 | CUP Blog, Sanctity of Life
by Edward Jozsa, Presence of God Encounters I want to wish all the mom’s out there a happy Mother’s Day and offer a sincere thank you for doing God’s work. I thought it a fitting time to send out this message. My wife Amy had recently given me an article...
by Guest Author | Apr 13, 2022 | CUP Blog, Our Catholic Faith & Church
How “Wokeism’s” diversity, inclusion and equity engenders Evil By Un soldat de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ Public news media and other instruments of social communication, Marxist professors and teachers, progressive politicians, misguided clergy, mislead parents,...
by Guest Author | Mar 29, 2022 | CUP Blog, Our Catholic Faith & Church, Religious Freedom
by Veronica Werth Quality literature is a meaningful way to grow closer to Christ, especially for children. A perfect fit for the Lenten season is The Bronze Bow, written by Elizabeth George Speare, and winner of the 1962 Newbery Medal, an award bestowed to...
by Guest Author | Mar 11, 2022 | CUP Blog, Our Catholic Faith & Church, Preservation of God’s Natural Law & Democratic Republic
by Veronica Werth American public schools in K-12 grades are pushing Critical Race Theory, a push that has created an active opposition from parents all over the country. Critical Race Theory (CRT) has prioritized teaching that American institutions, laws, and history...
by Guest Author | Mar 9, 2022 | CUP Blog, Our Catholic Faith & Church
By Kevin B. McCarthy, J.D., S.T.L. This entry aims to discuss the special virtue of Piety, a virtue allied to the cardinal virtue of justice and incumbent upon us because of our duty in Faith to worship, to love, God, to honor our family ties, and give...
by Guest Author | Feb 28, 2022 | CUP Blog, Our Catholic Faith & Church, Sanctity of Life, Sanctity of Marriage
By John Curran Does it matter that American Bishops look the other way when Catholic Relief Services promotes the distribution of contraceptives in 3rd world countries? Those of you who have watched the Lepanto Institute’s latest video message The Case Against...