By Raul Zavaleta
Over the past two decades, an inverted worldview has invaded all of the crucial sense-making institutions of American life. It started with the universities. It then moved to government – taking advantage of the Civil Rights Division to penetrate all other federal agencies. Then it moved on to the mainstream media and cultural institutions – every major museum, philanthropy, and Not-For-Profit organization. Then on to our medical schools and our law schools, even our religious institutions. It moved inside our high schools and even our elementary schools. Now it has also taken root at nearly every major corporation. The takeover is so comprehensive that it’s now almost hard to notice it—because it is everywhere.
This inverted ideology is “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.” Although DEI promoters claim they are pursuing noble causes, it is now clear that it has damaged our society – all Americans suffer from the suggestion that merit and excellence are dirty words. DEI is nothing more than an ideological movement bent on recategorizing every American not as an individual, but as a member of an identity group, his or her behavior prejudged accordingly, discounting whatever skills and talents we may bring as individuals.
DEI and its enforcers undermine the central missions of the institutions that adopt it. The DEI officers they have hired come with a very specific view of “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”, along with the power to enforce it. They come infused with a Critical Theory/Critical Race Theory worldview that has swapped economic grievances (the original Marxist tact) for gender and racial grievances creating division in society with their warped view.
DIVERSITY – The way diversity has been sold to Corporate America is by claiming the company needs people of all backgrounds and ethnicities to see the world in different ways and better relate to America’s diverse audiences. While that may be true, the problem is that certain levels of diversity are not welcome e.g., Christians, old-school liberals, and conservatives.
EQUITY – It is undeniable that some people have more talent than others and that some people work harder than others. We’re not all the same and we all don’t perform at the same levels. Therefore, achieving perfect “equity” of outcome is impossible. Yet DEI blames all disparities in outcomes between groups on racism and sexism, ignoring the fact that people do perform differently. DEI never offers evidence or proof that racism and sexism account for disparities in outcome, it simply says it is so. And if you disagree, well, you’re a sexist, racist bigot.
INCLUSION – In the name of inclusion, DEI encourages companies to discriminate to ensure all identities are “included’. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made it against the law to discriminate based on race, sexual orientation, or nationality when hiring. DEI, on the other hand, holds that one must discriminate to ensure inclusion.
In summary, DEI is not about the words it uses as camouflage. DEI is about arrogating power. This movement does not like America or liberalism. It does not believe that America is a good country—at least no better than China or Iran. It calls itself progressive, but it does not believe in progress; it is explicitly anti-growth. It claims to promote “equity,” but its answer to the challenge of teaching math or reading to disadvantaged children is to eliminate math and reading tests. It demonizes hard work, merit, family, and the dignity of the individual.
An ideology that pathologizes these fundamental human virtues seeks to undermine what makes America exceptional. DEI is good at tearing down but does not know how to build or create.
Like any manipulative, cultish belief system, DEI asserts that it knows what’s in people’s hearts; and that it knows people are biased and bigoted. People – white people – can only be saved by admitting they are racist – consciously or unconsciously. Like any cult, there is a fix: complete blind obedience to every edict of DEI from that point forward or banishment forever.
DEI must die. We should not stand by as the movement encourages us to segregate ourselves. Let’s not accept forced declarations that ask us to prioritize identity over excellence. No more compelled speech. No more going along with little lies for the sake of being polite. This depraved DEI experiment has tried to abuse our empathy for others to change society into hating Western civilization, revanchist policies, disregard for law and order, reverse racism, and aggrieved feelings that have fueled anger in our society pitting neighbors against neighbors. No more!
The American people will persist, one way or another. But DEI is undermining America, and that for which it stands—including the principles that have made it a place of unparalleled opportunity, safety, and freedom for so many. I came to this country because of what America offers. I will not let a flawed ideology defeat the idealism of America. Fighting it is the least we owe this country.