By Vicki Yamasaki

I wish to acknowledge our pastor at our church for a beautiful Eucharistic Procession this past Thursday on the Traditional Solemnity of Corpus Christi. This Eucharistic Procession began with the Holy Mass, followed by a Eucharistic procession out of the church with altar servers, First Communicants, the Knights and Ladies of the Sepulcher, the Knights of Columbus, the resident Sisters, full Choir, and parishioners following. Along the way, there were three saint stations with kneeling and prayers. The choir was magnificent! The procession honored our Eucharistic Lord greatly. The associate pastor offered a wonderful homily on the Real Presence that is uncommon to hear these days. Graces abounded that evening for all in attendance. I pray that many of you were able to participate in Eucharistic processions in your parts of the country.



As we savor the transcendent beauty of the Solemnity of Corpus Christi,  I invite you to ponder and respond to these survey questions (also included below):
Click here to take the survey
  1. Encountering the Divine: Your Immediate Response Imagine standing before Jesus Himself. What is your instinctive act of reverence?
    1. Kneel in humble adoration?
    2. Proclaim your gratitude for His redemptive love?
    3. Make the Sign of the Cross, honoring the Divine Glory of His presence?
    4. Bow deeply, acknowledging His majestic presence?
    5. Embrace all of the above actions in a full gesture of worship?
    6. Remain still, as though He were just another member of the parish?
  2. The Aftermath of a Divine Encounter Should you find yourself in the awe-inspiring presence of Jesus as described above:
    1. Would you eagerly share the experience with your Catholic peers?
    2. Seek out a priest to recount the encounter?
    3. Discuss it with atheists or those skeptical of the faith?
    4. Broadcast the experience via email to your entire contact list?
    5. Opt for all the above to spread the word?
    6. Choose to keep this profound moment to yourself?
  3. Belief in the Eucharistic Presence Do you believe that Jesus manifests in the same way as described in Q1 during every Mass and in Eucharistic Adoration?
    1. Absolutely
    2. No
    3. Unsure

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Upon observing the conduct of faithful in Novus Ordo churches nationwide, both before and after Mass, several patterns emerge:

  • A noticeable number of attendees proceed down the aisle and into the pews without genuflecting before the Tabernacle (if you can find the Tabernacle).
  • Parishioners often refrain from kneeling in prayer before the Tabernacle prior to the start of Mass.
  • In receiving the Eucharist, many do not exhibit reverence such as bowing, kneeling, or making the sign of the cross.
  • Post-Communion, individuals often return to their seats engaged in conversation, sometimes checking their phone, joining in endless singing, with little to no time taken for silent reflection and offering prayers of thanksgiving.
  • Directly after Mass concludes, many immediately depart the nave of the Church without kneeling to offer prayers of praise and thanksgiving before the presence of the Lord in the Tabernacle.
  • Conversations among the faithful are heard within the pews both before the Mass begins and after it ends.

We can sum up the behaviors observed into three major categories:

1. Lack of demonstrable reverence for the Eucharistic High Priest, especially when receiving Him in Communion

2. Limited or no prayers to Jesus in the Tabernacle 

3.  The focus more on ‘community of people’ vs. the Eucharistic Lord which is our pledge of our future glory.

And perhaps a fourth theme is the casual nature of the relationship some have with the Sacred Host.  One would expect more awe, more formality with the King of Kings, our Savior, who stands before us.

The sorrowful aspect of such conduct lies in the possibility that individuals may either lack belief in the Real Presence, which resides within the Tabernacle, or their faith has become so tepid that they overlook the sacredness of the One present before them.

It reminds me of when my mother was in a coma in the hospital and people were talking around her in her presence about serious matters.  These people never talked to her.  I made it a point to talk to my mother when she was in the coma.  When she was brought out of the coma she told us what was said in the room! 

We are treating Jesus as if he is a coma patient.  Talking around Him as if he not there, but not to Him.  This has to stop.

One might wonder why the clergy often remain silent in the face of behaviors that suggest a diminishing reverence for our Lord in the Tabernacle. It’s reasonable to assume they witness these attitudes at every Mass, yet the absence of guidance or reminders about how people are to behave before Jesus, really, truly and substantially present in the Blessed Sacrament before or after the service is palpable.

It is said that the transformative power of the Eucharist is evident in one’s actions. Those who have been profoundly touched by the Real Presence often exude a distinct aura of reverence and devotion in their demeanor. Their conduct becomes a testament to the deep change wrought within by this most Holy Sacrament.

A Life Radically Changed

When one authentically believes in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, separation is not an option. Such a profound belief ignites an insatiable longing to unite with Him, rendering weekly Mass attendance insufficient. The call is to unite with Him more often, for He is the sustaining Bread of Life that liberates us from sin’s allure. Attending daily Mass transcends duty; it becomes an earnest yearning to draw nearer to our Eucharistic Lord. This longing, akin to a spring of love welling up within, ignites our hearts in a longing to adore Him within the Adoration Chapel. In these sacred moments, akin to sitting beside a dear friend while in the awe-inspiring presence of our Savior, one is enveloped in profound peace and the heart is set ablaze, spreading hope, joy, and love to others. This intimate bond with our Eucharistic Lord instills a resolve to honor Him always and to receive Him worthily, lest we grieve His Sacred Heart. This soul commits to frequent the confession line to ensure worthy reception.  A soul so moved seeks to console His Sacred Heart, offering reparation for the myriad transgressions inflicted upon Him and His followers. A life is utterly transformed by the worthy reception of His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. A soul reshaped by this Eucharistic wonder is moved to acts of charity, embraces sufferings for the salvation of others, strives ardently to uphold Truth, and aids others in discovering a life that can be profoundly altered. If you find resonance with these words, perhaps you are one whose life has been deeply transformed by the Eucharist.  This is my witness as well. 

One who embraces the truth of the Real Presence embarks on a spiritual journey, a path I too follow. The Eucharist fortifies us, providing the strength to face our fallen nature and strive to mirror the virtues of the saints. Actions within the Church that erode the veneration of our Eucharistic Lord must be opposed, replaced by those that exalt Him. Indeed, the Eucharist stands as the Source and Summit of our faith. Our voices are gifts; we are called to use them vigorously:

  • To safeguard belief in the Real Presence.
  • To educate others about the Real Presence.
  • To model devotion and reverence due Him in the Real Presence.

How will you do this?