Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace
When the Son of Man Comes, WIll He Find Faith on Earth?
Throughout the Gospels, there is a consistent theme that Jesus exhorts His disciples to do. That is: to pray without ceasing. At many times during Jesus’ public ministry, it is recorded in Scripture that Jesus goes up on a high mountain to pray. In Luke 18, Jesus...
¡Viva Cristo Rey!
By Professor Timothy J.A. O’Donnell Written on the Feast of the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary(Liturgical Calendar 1962) Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy: deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man -Ps 46:1 I....
Why Should I Care?
A Christian citizen’s duty to the common good By MJ KurdysIn the early 1930’s, Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller was a German citizen and supporter of Hitler’s National Conservative movement. He was known to have made remarks to others denigrating the Jews and...
Eucharistic Coherence
Eucharistic Coherence is a term in vogue recently. As Catholics we have to ask ourselves, “What is Eucharistic Coherence and how did this term pop up out of nowhere?” If this is the first time you’ve heard the term, that’s OK - it just means you’re not keeping up with...
College Men Failures Rooted in the Feminization of America
This week, the Wall Street Journal published a front-page story by Douglas Belkin titled "A Generation of American Men Give Up on College" focusing on a report published by the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC), a non-profit education organization, detailing the...
Where is Hope?
Glimpsing Heaven on Earth The hot summer day in our Midwestern town began with no warning that the soft, cozy rug my husband and I had under our feet would suddenly be pulled out from under us. He called in the afternoon to tell me he had lost his dream job, not due...
COVID Vaccinations…Do You Have the Courage to Decide for Yourself?
By Matt Rowe August 24, 2021In a previous piece I wrote about our church’s crisis of leadership courage, and how we as the laity have a responsibility to demonstrate our support for the priests whom we know are morally and spiritually correct. It takes courage of...
Peace that surpasses understanding….
Long ago, after reading a pastor's note on peace, I asked, “What is peace?” Many will say peace is the lack of war, some will say it’s a feeling of comfort and others will say that Christ is peace. All of these answers are correct but Philippians 4:6 says, “And the...
Vow of Obedience … to the Truth
By Matt Rowe Judging by the way the Church hierarchy has publicly responded to political events and the COVID virus, the leadership of the church appears much more concerned with our mortal bodies and earthly issues than our immortal souls. In the US, church...
Can We Handle The Truth?
In the 1992 movie, A Few Good Men (1992) there was an explosive exchange in which Tom Cruise’s character, Lt. Daniel Kaffee, is relentlessly cross-examining Col. Nathan Jessep, played by Jack Nicholson, about a tragic incident that left a Marine dead. Kaffee is...
Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled
Authored by: Anonymous As the rumor swirled for many weeks surrounding the potential restrictions of the Usus Antiquior (Tridentine Mass), I never expected a document to be released quite like this. Not only is it surprising but it is incredibly ambiguous on...
Living By Faith
This week I had a couple of discussions on various topics on which the participants reached different conclusions based on their understanding of faith. That got me thinking: what is faith? Many of us grew up hearing the word in Sunday school classes, church...
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