Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace

Feminism vs. Womanhood (Part I)

Feminism vs. Womanhood (Part I)

By Debbie Zavaleta We recently celebrated 110 years of Women’s International Day which began March 8, 1911.  It is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.  In 2021 the IWD theme was #ChooseToChallenge.  Its message...

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A Time For Action

A Time For Action

2020 was a difficult year.  It was a year that upended our lives in many ways.  The Covid 19 pandemic brought fear as we were informed of deaths and cases every day. We had our routines changed and our Church services and schools cancelled.  As things seemed to settle down we endured riots in many cities and were introduced to groups like BLM. It was the year where the actions of our political leaders, media organizations, and big tech made it difficult to find what was really true while highlighting threats to our freedoms.

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