Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace
The Secular Creed
Walking around my neighborhood I occasionally see “In this house we Believe …” signs outside homes of residents who are often white, educated, white-collar, and in the upper end of middle-class income. But in Venice, California, the sign is everywhere. Venice is a...
Psychomachia: The Ultimate Battle Vice vs. Virtue
U.S. Catholic Embassy Flying LGBT Flag to Honor Pride Month Authored by: Prudentius ' A Catholic’s thoughts on “Pride Month” When I was a child, I once broke a family rule to “not tell tales.” As I visited the neighbors, I had a habit of sharing all sorts of things...
The Indoctrination of our Children
Critical Race Theory (CRT) was pioneered in the 1970s and 80s and refined as the decades have passed. The theory posits that racial inequality is a baked-in feature of American institutions, which benefits what author Isabelle Wilkerson calls “the dominant caste,”...
Bright Lights Shine for Life in Indianapolis
Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace (CUP) presented its inaugural “MOMS IN THE MIDDLE: A Catholic Mom’s Night Out at the Women’s Care Center (WCC) in Indianapolis to a capacity audience on May 13th, dedicated to the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Women from 13 different...
Our Victimhood Culture
Over the last five years, I have been wondering why our society has become less resilient and more prone to be offended. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the predominant culture in the West was a culture of honor. Honor was something that had to be earned and...
The Errors of Critical Race Theory
The narrative preferred by the mainstream media and academia when it comes to racial inequality has for years been that America is bad, founded on land stolen from the natives, and built on the back of slaves. That exaggerated narrative allows activists to use guilt,...
To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate, Will We Have A Choice?
Now that the vaccine is readily available to most age groups many Americans are deciding if getting a vaccine is something they want to do. There is one thing for certain, the pandemic has brought divergent views on how to treat Coronavirus. There are those who...
The Indianapolis area 40 Days For Life Campaign held its closing event on Friday, March 26th outside the Planned Parenthood facility located at 86th Street and Georgetown Road. An enthusiastic crowd of more than 70 prolife supporters gathered to hear Dr. Haywood J....
Feminism vs. Womanhood (Part I)
By Debbie Zavaleta We recently celebrated 110 years of Women’s International Day which began March 8, 1911. It is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. In 2021 the IWD theme was #ChooseToChallenge. Its message...
The Equality Act… Cancelling Our Christian Culture
The Equality Act must be stopped. It’s an attempt to make man equal to God by allowing man through the government, to redefine our Christian society as we know it. This is the ultimate in ‘cancel’ culture as it will cancel our first amendment rights of free speech,...
A Time For Action
2020 was a difficult year. It was a year that upended our lives in many ways. The Covid 19 pandemic brought fear as we were informed of deaths and cases every day. We had our routines changed and our Church services and schools cancelled. As things seemed to settle down we endured riots in many cities and were introduced to groups like BLM. It was the year where the actions of our political leaders, media organizations, and big tech made it difficult to find what was really true while highlighting threats to our freedoms.
The Morality Difference
Joe Biden has now been inaugurated as President of the United States and he promptly called for “unity and an end of this uncivil war.” Does he really mean to work towards uniting us? Or is his call simply for those who disagree with his politics to simply see his...
Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace CUP is open to Catholics who embrace our beliefs by accepting the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals. Our supporters agree we must defend our beliefs and promote a culture where the dignity of the human person is protected.
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