Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace
Sanctity of Marriage
The Sanctity and Gift of Marriage Marriage is a gift from God to us. It is a partnership for the whole of life, designed for the good of the individuals and for having children (pg 7, 1st sent.). Like God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), marriage is a community...
Special Thanks to a Courageous Priest: Fr. Ted Rothrock
I like the month of November; it is a special month to me as it starts by celebrating the life of saints with All Saints Day. Webster defines the word “Saint” as a holy or godly person, one eminent for piety and virtue. When I was a child, being raised in a Catholic...
The Mission of CUP
You can read more about what our mission and purpose, objectives, goals and beliefs in our website, but the ultimate mission is to form a community with common bonds to help us through the encroaching secularization around us and the impending upcoming restrictions on...
Congratulations Fr. Ted!
We at Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace would like to congratulate you on your new assignment at St. Paul’s Catholic Church in Marion, Indiana. We feel confident that you will be a source of hope for the parishioners at the Marion Parish. As you may know, we have...
Respect Life Month – October 2020
As October draws to a close, I am reminded of its liturgical significance, as the Month of the Rosary and the feasts of St. Francis, St. Therese of Lisieux and St. John Paul II. Also important but not as widely known, is the celebration of the decades old Respect Life...
The Abandonment of Religion
I have been increasingly disenchanted about the turn America is taking. But it is not because the world seems upside down, but because our youth seem to be enamored with “creating a new world order.” I am still optimistic that they will wake up to the disaster such...
Moral Courage
The Merriam-Webster definition of Courage says, “Mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.” According to a definition in Wikipedia, Moral courage is the courage to take action for moral reasons despite the risk of...
Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace CUP is open to Catholics who embrace our beliefs by accepting the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals. Our supporters agree we must defend our beliefs and promote a culture where the dignity of the human person is protected.
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