Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace
God Demands Reparation
The book "God Demands Reparation: The Holy Man of Tours, the Life of Leo Dupont" recounts the inspiring story of Leo Dupont, a wealthy man who dedicated his life to the spiritual mission of revering the Holy Face of Jesus. His journey was driven by a deep devotion to...
Consecration of those Governing to Blessed Virgin Mary
Immaculate Mary, Patroness of the United States of America, Queen of Heaven and of Earth, beneath whose sway are subject all things that are lower than God, sorrowful and mindful of our own sinfulness and the sins of our nation, we come to thee, our refuge and hope....
The Age of Deception: Protecting Life in a World of Lies
In our post-Dobbs nation, the tumultuous battle to promote and defend the sanctity of life rages on. It’s been said that Democrats haven’t been this mad (i.e., abortion) since the Republicans freed the slaves. And in this election, abortion was on the ballot in 10...
CCHD Under Scrutiny: Opaque and Mismanaged Finances
CCHD Clouded in Opaqueness Over the weekend of October 25, the USCCB published this announcement for the 2024 CCHD collections. In this letter it states that "Last year, CCHD distributed more than 12.7 million to non-partican grassroots organizations." The problem...
Synod: Transferring Magisterial Authority
Ceding Control: to give up control to another person, group or government often as a result of power or pressure. The Synod, concluding in Rome, is attempting to upend the entire hierarchical structure of the Catholic Church. In plain terms, the Synod members are...
Massive Survey Shows Receiving Communion in Hand IS THE CAUSE for LOSS OF FAITH
Communion in the Hand - The Root Cause to Disbelief The largest survey ever conducted among Catholic laity in the U.S. reveals that the primary reason for a loss of belief in the Real Presence in the Eucharist is receiving Communion in the hand while standing. This...
Groundbreaking Survey of U.S. Catholics Reveals Path to Restoring Eucharistic Belief
Groundbreaking Survey of U.S. Catholics Reveals Path to Restoring Eucharistic Belief Single largest survey of Catholics ever completed in the United States. Today the Real Presence Coalition (RPC) announced the release of the findings of its survey of U.S. Catholics...
Patriotic Prayer for Faith and Freedom, by Fr. Altman
Dear family, from the beginning of our Declaration of Independence, We Faithful PATRIOTS KNOW … That we faithful patriots hold these truths to be SELF-EVIDENT … It is OBVIOUS … that all men are created equal, It is OBVIOUS that we are endowed by their...
Praying for Our Nation’s Future with Our Lady of Victory
On October 7, we commemorate the decisive victory of the Holy League over the Muslim forces in the Battle of Lepanto in 1471. This victory, attributed to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is a powerful reminder of the strength we can draw directly from...
The Holy Face of Jesus, Defeating Communism and Masonic Infiltration
On that fateful day, the crowd either jeered at Our Lord or watched in fearful silence as He stumbled under the weight of the Cross. Even Simon of Cyrene had to be compelled to carry the burden for our Savior. Yet amidst the hostility and chaos, one woman stepped...
Father DeOreo Case Dismissed But On Appeal
On Thursday, September 12, 2024, a judge dismissed the case filed by Father DeOreo against the...
The Arc of Trump
Have you been praying for President Trump? Well before the failed assassination attempt in Butler Pennsylvania, I, along with many, have been offering Masses and prayers for him. My prayers in earnest began when I interviewed Father Altman at the Catholics Prayer...
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