Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace
The Fall of Israel and the Rise of Modern Immorality
In examining our fractious immoral nation, it is worth looking at Sacred Scripture to understand the context of the current American phenomena and what took place with the split of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Historical...
Our Lady of Sorrows
Throughout my years of frequent business travel—from the 1990s until my retirement—I always held one priority close to my heart: attending Mass. No matter the city or the importance of the business meeting, Mass remained my anchor. On a particular trip to New York,...
Is it Sinful to Abstain from Voting?
Recently, I was approached by someone who mentioned that due to the platforms of the two presidential candidates this person will NOT be voting in the general election. Catholic doctrine emphasizes that participation in political life is a moral obligation rooted in...
Freemasonry and the Multigenerational Curse
Have you discovered that your grandfather or another blood relative is a Freemason? Many people today have some connection to Freemasonry. I recently found out that my great-grandfather was a 33rd degree Mason (the highest level) of the Scottish Rite. For those who...
Support Canceled Priests
CUP believes it is essential to support priests who have been canceled for living and/or defending the Deposit of Faith. There are many priests who are canceled righteously but for those priests who model the faith, we need to help support them through prayer,...
Blasphemy on the World’s Stage: Paris Olympics
And will not God vindicate his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? I tell you, he will vindicate them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth?” Luke 18:7-8Jesus indicated that he would find very few...
Traditional Eucharistic Revival “Free Event” Unifies The Faithful During National Eucharistic Congress
INDIANAPOLIS, IN – Nearly 1,000 faithful pilgrims from across the U.S. filled the bleachers at Victory Field in Indianapolis on Friday, July 19th for the Traditional Eucharistic Revival, a day-long event featuring a Eucharistic Procession, the Traditional Latin Mass...
Coalition Launches Survey to Better Understand Why U.S. Catholics Have Lost Faith in the Real Presence
A newly formed group of Catholics, with the support of Bishops Athanasius Schneider and Joseph Strickland, as well as famed exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger, is today announcing the launch of a survey aimed at reaching the U.S. laity. The new group, called the Real...
Decoding CUP’s Name: Unity or Division?
Why does CUP include “Unity and Peace” in its name? After all, didn’t Jesus say: “Do not...
Do We Truly Embrace the Mystery of the Eucharist?
I wish to acknowledge our pastor at our church for a beautiful Eucharistic Procession this past...
Father DeOreo’s Attorney Responds
For several years, I’ve had the privilege of knowing Father DeOreo. His presence at Our Lady of...
Fr. DeOreo’s Suffering Continues
Father James DeOreo has been suspended from his priestly duties for more than two years,...
Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace CUP is open to Catholics who embrace our beliefs by accepting the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals. Our supporters agree we must defend our beliefs and promote a culture where the dignity of the human person is protected.
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