Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace
Over the past two decades, an inverted worldview has invaded all of the crucial sense-making institutions of American...
The Synodal Way – A Pathway to New Governance
The final report (a 41 page synthesis) on the Synod on Synodality was issued Saturday, October 28. The summary report covers topics such as the role of women and the laity, the ministry of bishops, priesthood and the diaconate, the importance of the poor and migrants,...
By Mark Bailey What is obedience? In this day and age of language both tortured and power abused, I am told that I need to obey, yet often my conscience tells me that to follow the whims of those who are in power would be a fast track to hell. Let's start with...
Libraries: Purveyors of Obscenity and Marxist Conditioning
By CUP Guest Contributor I remember when I was a mom with little ones. I would have a weekly outing to the library which both myself and my kids enjoyed. We came to know one of the librarians in the children’s section and she knew my kids names as well. We...
Satanists Invade the Indiana State Capitol!
By Vicki Yamasaki A band (Satanic Planet) with ties to The Satanic Temple performed at the Indiana Statehouse in the north atrium on September 28. The Satanic Temple embarked on a social media campaign to spread the word to members across the country. Indiana...
CUP Statement on Fr. Altman’s Video – Bergoglio is Not the Pope
By Vicki Yamasaki Six days ago, Fr. Altman released a video that was seismic in the Catholic community where he made the statement that Pope Francis is not the pope. This matter has drawn widespread attention. Fr. Altman is a friend of mine so I called to...
The Danger Zone: The Lost Sense of Sin
By Raul Zavaleta If you seek to understand how society is changing the basis for its morality, you will notice that the role of religion has been diminished resulting in a lost sense of sin. It is common to view sin now, not as a transgression of the law of God, but...
The Danger Zone: Hot Summer
By Raul Zavaleta With this year’s hot summer weather, the alarmism of “Climate Changers” has been hot as well. Here are three quotes: Michael Mann, Environmentalist at Penn State University speaking in July: Now the warming has reached the point where we're...
(Don’t) Take Me Out to the Ballgame
By Catholic Wise Guy I had a long and beautiful relationship with baseball, and it pains me to say, “Don’t Take Me Out to the Ballgame.” Forget the peanuts and cracker jacks, I’m not root, rooting for my home team or any team, not even the Cubs. One, two, and three...
The Demise of Personal Responsibility
By Raul Zavaleta Personal responsibility is the willingness to both accept the importance of standards that society establishes for individual behavior and to make strenuous personal efforts to live by those standards. But personal responsibility also means that when...
God’s Children Are Not For Sale
By Professor Timothy J.A. O’Donnell Feast of St. Mary Killop 2023 The 4th of July is by far my favorite national holiday. Everything about it – here, what comes to mind are the three F’s: family, food, fireworks – signify our natural love of Country and heartfelt...
Freedom Requires Responsibility
By Monsignor Joseph F. Schaedel, Pastor St. Luke Catholic Church Indianapolis Fourth of July Homily Philippians 4: 6-9; John 14: 23-29 July 4, 2023 Perhaps the most famous symbol for our nation—other than the flag—is The Statue of liberty. It was a gift...
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