Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace
Eucharistic Congress
By Vicki YamasakiThe 2024 Eucharistic Congress is a gathering of clergy, religious and laity to bear witness to the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. It will take place on July 17-21, 2024, in Indianapolis and is expected to draw at least 80,000 from across the...
Disbelief in the Real Presence in the Eucharist
By Vicki Yamasaki There is much talk of the Eucharistic Congress and we have just had Eucharistic processions take place to celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord, Corpus Christi. This has had me in deep reflection so this week’s...
By Professor Timothy J.A. O'DonnellThe “Triumph of Orthodoxy” (as it is known) on March 11, 843 AD marks the official end of the great heresy of Iconoclasm. More than a thousand years later Iconoclasm is being inflicted on us once again. In this essay, I will briefly...
The Downward Mental Health Spiral of our Youth
Recently, the CDC reported that in 2021, 42% of students felt persistently sad or hopeless and 29% experienced poor mental health with 22% of them seriously considering suicide, and 10% attempting suicide. This was more pronounced in girls; nearly 60% of teenage girls...
The “Social Justice” Con
The term "social justice" is now commonly used by activists, clergy, educators, judges, corporate leaders, and politicians to describe the version of how society should work. Originally a Catholic term, “social justice” was first used about 1840 in Theoretical...
The Leadership Vaccuum in Our Institutions
Citizens are losing faith in U.S. institutions to address their concerns. The results of the Gallup 2022 poll surveying participants on their confidence in institutions throughout society show that small businesses, with 68% of respondents expressing “a great deal” or...
A Journey to Hope
By Veronica WerthAdoration of the Magi, 1620. Oil on canvas, 235 x 277.5 cm. Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg About two years ago, I discovered the idea of a Literary Advent. For each day of Advent, a Christmastide poem or except is read (preferably aloud). It is a...
The Amalgamation of Church, State, and Industry for the Good of Mother Earth
by Lori BaxterMany children have been and are being taught that our world is being devastated by global warming and it is our fault. We have exploited the good resources of earth along with over-populating it; therefore, carbon emissions are increasing and we are...
Poster Bishops or Half-Truth Bishops?
BY JOHN T. CURRANBishop Robert Barron, Chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth, made the news recently. On the surface, he dished out respectable quotes decrying the passage of the Respect for Marriage Act. The Act, H.R. 8404,...
What Makes a Martyr?
by Mark Bailey This blog entry is primarily diaristic in nature and I hope my readers find some truth and encouragement in the recounting of an unpleasant encounter I have recently had. Recently my superior (I am a Dominican tertiary novice) recommended that I...
Obedience Is a Key to Success in the Christian Spiritual Life.
by Un soldat de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ Obedience is a key to success in the Christian spiritual life. The virtue of obedience is central among all the moral virtues and in every state in life. Exactly how is this virtue of obedience defined? Obedience is defined...
Not Your Usual Wedding List
by Terence R. (Terry) Garrity Check this off first: Be sure and invite God to the wedding. Doing so will be to buck the trend of modern weddings in which everyone seems to do a better job of celebrating themselves than worshiping the God-of-Cana Who makes marriage...
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