Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace
Great Literature Inspires a Well-ordered Life
by Veronica WerthQuality literature is a meaningful way to grow closer to Christ, especially for children. A perfect fit for the Lenten season is The Bronze Bow, written by Elizabeth George Speare, and winner of the 1962 Newbery Medal, an award bestowed to...
A Call For A Return To Classical Education
by Veronica Werth American public schools in K-12 grades are pushing Critical Race Theory, a push that has created an active opposition from parents all over the country. Critical Race Theory (CRT) has prioritized teaching that American institutions, laws, and history...
The Virtue of Piety
By Kevin B. McCarthy, J.D., S.T.L. This entry aims to discuss the special virtue of Piety, a virtue allied to the cardinal virtue of justice and incumbent upon us because of our duty in Faith to worship, to love, God, to honor our family ties, and give...
Catholic Relief Services and Contraception
By John Curran Does it matter that American Bishops look the other way when Catholic Relief Services promotes the distribution of contraceptives in 3rd world countries? Those of you who have watched the Lepanto Institute’s latest video message The Case Against...
Science and God
The pandemic brought out in the open the disdain some people have for religious beliefs. Anti-religion activists used the pandemic to restrict gatherings that have wreaked havoc with church attendance and community. They were “following the science.” Like most of you,...
Considerations on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
By Fligio della MaddonaLet us consider The Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Heavenly Mother, in the specific context of the United States of America and its Catholic hierarchy. Let us consider the works of our founding bishops, beginning with Monsignor John Carroll the first...
The Fate of Free Expression
Despite the publicity rock-music veteran Neil Young has received by publicly threatening Spotify to remove its broadcast of the political commentator and comedian Joe Rogan, or he’d remove his music from its streaming service, survey data show that it is Americans...
The Ethical Vision
How High Culture Can Save Our World by Veronica WerthThe warning calls over the past decades are beginning to ring true. It is safe to say that our culture is in decay, but can it be saved? The answer is a resounding YES! There are many ways to approach this problem,...
The Origin of the Me Culture
With each passing year, it can seem that cultural developments are only getting worse. Messages like “Live Your Truth” and “You Do You” are a rejection of God’s authority over creation and that we have been created in His image. As the culture has become more detached...
Observations and Thoughts on the New Church Word, "Synodality"By Figlio della MadonnaConsider the “Synod on Synodality”. The Bergoglian Vatican has provided some information on the “Synodality Spectre”. A key document is the March 2, 2018 document published by the...
Whoever Eats This Bread will Live Forever
You may have noticed in the last two years there have been many adaptations in the Mass out of fear and concern for spreading COVID-19 but the question becomes: is man the author of the liturgy? Of course not. Christ has put His Church in charge of safeguarding her...
The Corruptive Pull of Wokeism in Catholic Universities
Catholic education has contributed a great deal in educating America’s young. These institutions, especially Catholic universities, are highly regarded as models for a well-rounded education that forms the student’s mind, body, and spirit that includes a time-tested...
Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace CUP is open to Catholics who embrace our beliefs by accepting the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals. Our supporters agree we must defend our beliefs and promote a culture where the dignity of the human person is protected.
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