Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace
The Fate of Free Expression
Despite the publicity rock-music veteran Neil Young has received by publicly threatening Spotify to remove its broadcast of the political commentator and comedian Joe Rogan, or he’d remove his music from its streaming service, survey data show that it is Americans...
The Ethical Vision
How High Culture Can Save Our World by Veronica WerthThe warning calls over the past decades are beginning to ring true. It is safe to say that our culture is in decay, but can it be saved? The answer is a resounding YES! There are many ways to approach this problem,...
The Origin of the Me Culture
With each passing year, it can seem that cultural developments are only getting worse. Messages like “Live Your Truth” and “You Do You” are a rejection of God’s authority over creation and that we have been created in His image. As the culture has become more detached...
Observations and Thoughts on the New Church Word, "Synodality"By Figlio della MadonnaConsider the “Synod on Synodality”. The Bergoglian Vatican has provided some information on the “Synodality Spectre”. A key document is the March 2, 2018 document published by the...
Whoever Eats This Bread will Live Forever
You may have noticed in the last two years there have been many adaptations in the Mass out of fear and concern for spreading COVID-19 but the question becomes: is man the author of the liturgy? Of course not. Christ has put His Church in charge of safeguarding her...
The Corruptive Pull of Wokeism in Catholic Universities
Catholic education has contributed a great deal in educating America’s young. These institutions, especially Catholic universities, are highly regarded as models for a well-rounded education that forms the student’s mind, body, and spirit that includes a time-tested...
Dobbs vs. Mississippi… Time for Spiritual Action
Photo credit: Newsweek.com By: Professor Timothy J.A. O'Donnell "The beginning of freedom,” Saint Augustine writes, "is to be free from crimes... such as murder, adultery, fornication, theft, fraud, sacrilege and so forth. When once one is without these crimes (and...
Prepare the Way
By MJ Kurdys These are just a sampling of the bleak...
Preserving the Sanctity of Life at the End
Every Sunday I turn right at a certain busy intersection. For decades, the city had a “no turn on red” sign there because geography makes cross-traffic hard to judge. The city recently removed the sign, but I still don’t turn on red. That is one of my legal...
Real Presence in the Eucharist and Worthy Reception
Special Report By: Fr. Paul J. Kalchik The Real Presence in the Eucharist and Worthy Reception The gift of a Redeemer in Jesus Christ is the greatest gift ever given by any one EVER! God is so loving, so kind and so generous, that despite humanity’s fallen...
Power For Living
I have been very fortunate in my life. God blessed me with a good family and surrounded me with opportunities that ultimately gave me material wealth. Spiritually, I have had some ups and downs. When I was younger, building a career led me through a path away from...
Why Religion is Needed in Politics
By Matt Rowe October 25, 2021Most Americans have been indoctrinated with—and seem to accept—the idea that there must be a “separation of church and state” for our country to prosper. Nothing could be further from the truth from our Founders’ intentions when creating...
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