by Fr. James Altman

"The God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?" - Thomas Jefferson

 Dear family, from the beginning of our Declaration of Independence,

         We Faithful PATRIOTS KNOW …

 That we faithful patriots hold these truths to be SELF-EVIDENT …

It is OBVIOUS … that all men are created equal,

It is OBVIOUS that we are endowed by their Creator – GOD –

with certain unalienable Rights,

it is OBVIOUS that we have a God-given RIGHT to LIFE

we have a God-given RIGHT to LIBERTY …

we have a GOD-given right to FREEDOM …


And we KNOW that James Madison wrote way back in 1798 … [October 11, 1798]

Our Constitution Was Made Only for a Moral and Religious People


But we ALSO know … from Sacred Scripture

         that the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine

                 … 2 Tim 4:3


And that time is now …

And we see it in the Godless minions of the Democrats, and RINO’s

who all are PART of the Godless globalist cabal …

Democrats and the cabal who threaten our RIGHT TO LIFE

Democrats and the cabal … who threaten American citizens with a globalist open non-border

Democrats and the cabal who threaten our freedom of speech with CENSORSHIP

Democrats and the cabal who threaten our freedom of religion …

and label we the FAITFHUL … as right wing extremists …

Democrats and the cabal who threaten our CHILDREN by standing between children and their parents with the Godless indoctrination in public schools

Democrats and the cabal who threaten our 2nd amendment right to PROTECT our 1st amendment freedoms


Dear faithful Patriots …

that time where people will not tolerate sound doctrine is now.

and the ENEMY thinks HE HAS us …

the ENEMY thinks HE HAS WON …

But Jesus tells us WE ARE HIS Halleluhah.


And surely Trump IS His modern day David …

who can take DOWN the modern day Godless globalist cabal …


So come November 5th 2024 … be FAITHFUL … and BE … Patriotic.

and let the enemy know he can go straight back to hell.


 Let us pray … Heavenly Father,

You who know all … KNOW … we are in the final battle …

The signs are all around us …


Where the enemy has made not ONE but TWO attempts

To assassinate President Trump

Two attempts that we KNOW of …


JUST like the enemy succeeded in assassinating JFK and RFK.


We see the enemy in the collapsing Middle East which may erupt – ANY DAY – into a global war …




But Jesus tells us WE ARE HIS Hallelujah.


So THIS day we stand BEHIND the ONLY Public Servant …

who stands UP against the ENEMY of our Faith and our Freedom …

who stands up against the deeply entrenched communist vermin


Who faces their WRATH … HEAD ON …

and STILL … FEARLESSLY and publicly STATES …

that HE … serves the People of the United States

and DARES to say Make America Great Again.


And so we pray, dear Father above …

 send Your Holy Archangel, St. Michael, our defender in battle …

 and legions of Holy Angels to accompany him …

 to surround President Trump and protect him


Against each and every Godless left wing communist minion

who froths at the mouth against US … YOUR people of Faith

and who seek to destroy the Sovereignty and Independence

of the United States of America.


Heavenly Father, we pray that You protect the ONLY leader of our country

who will save us from the clutches of the evil that now reigns …

an evil that will not accept YOUR sound doctrine …

an evil that would destroy our Faith and our Families …


May it be YOUR Will Father, to let us have one more chance

to rise from the ashes of the debauched and depraved …

Democrats and RINO’s … and the globalist Cabal …


Let us rise in Faith, Hope and Charity

And LET us BE a light of Christ to this ever darkening world


And send FORTH Your Holy Spirit,

Send forth Your Heavenly Host

To guard, guide and lead President Trump

and faithful Christians here and around the world …


as together we labor in Your Vineyard

all for YOUR greater glory.


We ask this all in Jesus’s Holy and Exalted Name, Amen.