Northside Events
2100 E. 71st Street, Indianapolis
9:30 AM – Coffee
10:00 AM – Talk with Q&A
Join us for coffee and and Fellowship
Meet Kim Zember who was canceled from coming to speak at St. Luke Catholic Church after the Archdiocese of Indianapolis requested it to do so prompted from significant LGBTQ activist backlash. You will hear about Kim’s story of breaking free from her homosexual lifestyle after her deep encounter with Jesus Christ and how she broke free from the deep anxiety and depression she suffered.
About Kim Zember:
I started having homosexual desires in high school, and began acting on them when I was 17. For many years I hid it from my family and friends because I felt so much shame and guilt about it, which came from a deeply rooted feeling I had personally that I wasn’t meant to live a homosexual lifestyle. I began living a double life, and it tormented me.
At that point, I realized that I was in a vicious cycle of relationships that were not fulfilling. Though almost everyone around me supported my lifestyle and told me it was “ok”, I felt deeply convinced that I needed to make big changes if I wanted different results in my life.
I became so desperate that I finally decided to surrender everything about the way I had been living and asked for God’s help. From that moment on the heaviness I had been living in for so many years began to lift. I desired to look at sexuality through a faith-based perspective. I also made a personal commitment to myself to not date anyone until I gained clarity. I began to have peace in my life, a peace that I had been searching for, and for the first time my life I began to feel fulfilled in a way I had never before. I felt like I was beginning to learn who I really was, my True identity.
It was not easy to not date, but I had the support I needed to continue in my journey. In contrast to what most people would think, I actually found a great freedom in putting boundaries on my life. I found myself in time free from anxiety, depression, and duplicity that were overwhelmingly present in my past. I experienced living in an authenticity and freedom that I didn’t know was possible.
I believe that being transparent about my life, both past and present, is a way for people to see how the Lord has and continues to love us so gently into His plans for our life! I feel that authenticity with one another in God’s love and truth is so needed today more than ever.
I find true joy in sharing the love, freedom and restoration I found through my personal relationship with Jesus Christ, whether in my hometown of San Diego or my ‘home away from home’, Ethiopia. I love sharing the testimony of the radical transformation of my life through my love relationship with Jesus. For the first time in my life, I have found fulfillment in being ‘single’, with my eyes and heart set on my Lord and focused on the call He has on my life and the continued comfort and guidance from the Holy Spirit!
*Kim is NOT a licensed therapist or counselor. She does NOT and CANNOT promise any particular outcome or any particular change to any person’s life. Overcome Ministries does NOT change nor intend to change anyone or shame anyone, rather to simply point people to Jesus, the One who loves each person with a radical love that no one else can offer. *
Learn more about Overcome Ministries here