Eucharistic Worthiness by Father Altman

Father Altman video expressing his opinion on the Bishops’ letter requesting a delay on the discussion of Eucharistic Worthiness.
“Be wary, dear family, when the modernist liturgists come at you with some sweet-sounding change: The Lord God commanded worship in a specific way and yes, Virginia, God damns those who mess with His commands.
So let us pray to Him, the one God, the only God, to come to our assistance, to make haste to help us as we discern clearly the wolves in sheep’s clothing who had only one job to do: Save our eternal souls. But they not only fail to lead us to our salvation, now they knowingly, willingly and intentionally do everything they can to lead us to Hell.
And yes, dear family, I’m talking about more than 60 men wearing miters here in the United States who very publicly signed a letter seeking a delay on a dialogue set for this June on the godless, sacrilegious practice of handing out the Holy Eucharist like Halloween candy to pro-abort politicians…”
Excerpt taken from EPISCOPAL CARPET BOMBING , video of Far. James Altman and text published by Church Militant| June 16, 2021 |