Honoring Mary and Motherhood
With Women’s Care Center, Indianapolis
*#1 Women’s Care Center in the Country*
May 1, 2024
(Video and Photo Gallery)
A special thanks to Mary Kissel Photography for the stunning photography shown here. For a complete set of her photos you can view them here.
All of these memorable moments will always be kept and viewed on our Shutterfly Site:
Moms in the Middle Shutterfly Picture ShareSite (shutterfly.com)
Thank you to Fr. Zak for celebrating the beautiful Mass and to Sean Loub for assisting at the Mass.

Many thanks to the incredible hospitality of the Women’s Care Center, Indianapolis. We heard from the expert panelists, Jenny Hubbard, Director, Rachel McHaffie, RN, Sonographer & Parenting Class Teacher and Lizzie McClure, Counselor & Women’s Care Center Counselor Trainer. The esteemed panelists were moderated by Mary Carmen Zakrajsek, WCC Outreach Associate.

Our closing prayer, led by Mary Carmen Zakrajsek, was the Our Lady of Fatima Prayer and this picture captures the solemn prayer perfectly.