NWEA Is Coming For Your Kids
in partnership with findings reported by The Lepanto Institute

NWEA Is Coming For Your Kids
This week ushers in the celebration of Catholic Schools week and I selected this week to unveil a special report that The Lepanto Institute unveiled just over a week ago on NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association, a Portland based organization). This report is so disturbing that I felt compelled to interview Michael Hichborn, the founder and president of The Lepanto Institute of their findings. If you are not familiar with NWEA, it is one of the largest educational assessment organizations in the country, conducting testing/evaluation of children in public and private schools. Here in Indiana, the Department of Education has aligned with NWEA to be the assessment organization of choice for all public schools. In addition, The Lepanto Institute has discovered that NWEA does the assessment of children in more than 1900 Catholic schools throughout the country (that is in 84 dioceses). Here in Indiana we have discovered that NWEA is used in the Fort Wayne, Gary, Indianapolis and Lafayette dioceses.
So what is so nefarious about NWEA?
As you will learn from the video and the full report below (and please watch the entire video) NWEA is now indoctrinating your children and grandchildren with LGBTQ+ and gender confusing ideology. Some parents rightly say, “my principal would never allow it!” Or, “My homeroom teacher for Johnny would never allow it!” Good for them. But here is the horrible news I have discovered that is better articulated in the video interview. The way that the online testing (assessments) is designed is proprietary and the superintendent nor the principal can view the tests given to the children. So Johnny or Emily could have situationally based questions designed that thematically place them in a “two-mommy” family or Tommy is a transgender “girl” solving the math distance problem in this test scenario. In addition, NWEA is now capturing “gender X” data and putting this online for testing assessments. Please watch the video.
Additionally, NWEA is promoting highly inappropriate books. They are also writing articles to help sympathetic teachers to work around administration that forbids this type of indoctrination. The Lepanto Institute has spent months uncovering the details.
After the interview, I had mentioned to a CUP member that I suspected NWEA had financial backing from LGBTQ+ likeminded organizations. A CUP member was able to discover that NWEA obtained a $2 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2018. The Gates Foundation also backed CASEL who is promoting the toxic Social Emotional Learning, also indoctrinates children.
What are you to do?
The video gives you a game plan. After watching the video, please send CUP an email and let us know what your administration and superintendent conversations yields. We want to hear from you around the country. In just 2 days of posting the video, the video already has reached nearly 500 views. Please share it with others. There should be no reason that any diocese should retain NWEA after learning this information. No diocese should continue to give money to an organization that promotes this ideology. In the full report by Lepanto of the 84 identified dioceses that use NWEA, Lepanto initially validated 45 of them. In a subsequent report finding they were able to validate an additional 7 dioceses using NWEA. CUP helped them identify two of these diocese in Indiana. If you become aware that your diocese is using NWEA please let CUP know at CUP@corpuschristiforunityandpeace.org.
The sad realization that we have to come to is that Saul Alinsky’s plan is coming to fruition. If you remember what his 8 steps were to overtake our nation, they were:
- Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people
- Poverty — Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
- Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
- Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
- Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
- Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.
- Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.
- Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
On this last point, Alinsky realized later after he wrote this that the class warfare was better achieved through dividing the people by the color of their skin and we are seeing this today. They are teaching children in school that even babies are racist from birth.
We have to reclaim our parental rights to children’s education, and it can be achieved. If schools return to classical education we have a prayer of removing the toxic indoctrination that is taking a foothold with institutional partners that unknowingly are making their way into the schools. Classical education can return us to a traditional form of education without all this nonsense. CUP has become aware of ICLE (The Institute for Catholic Liberal Education) which has grown from 4 member schools in 2017 to 175 member schools today, and about 65% of these are diocesan schools. This is a hopeful path for Catholic schools to regain academic excellence while retaining the moral teachings of our faith. There really are two choices now in these treacherous times for children, homeschooling and Catholic schools. We have to expel from Catholic schools any educational partners that do not align with Catholic doctrine (book publishing companies, educational assessment companies, etc.). The simple answer is classical education.
Lepanto Institute published a follow-up to their initial report showing that NWEA had been purchased by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH). The serious problem is that HMH publishes and sells material that is anti-Catholic, promotes socialism, and promoted homosexual and transgender ideologies. In addition to that, HMH has made it clear that the company on the whole is VERY much in line with the LGBTQ agenda. In this article, Lepanto provided an email response they received from a Catholic school superintendent who said that the National Catholic Educational Association and several other Catholic school administrators have been in contact with NWEA over their discoveries. You can read that report here.
Heritage Foundation’s “Daily Signal” picked up Lepanto’s story, providing further indication that things are changing as a direct result of their research:
Jeremy Tate, the founder and CEO of the Classic Learning Test (CLT), told The Daily Signal that his organization has been in contact with “numerous Catholic school administrators who are now refusing to administer NWEA MAPS assessments to their students.
In response to the increasingly ideological agendas of many standardized testing companies, CLT has launched a new suite of standardized assessments for third-sixth graders featuring time-tested children’s literature that is removed from the current hot button topics,” Tate added.