Why Young People Should  Reject Moral Relativism To Lead A Better Life (Article)

What makes something good or bad? How do we determine right from wrong when there are so many different opinions on the topic? Philosophers, religious leaders, and everyone in between have been trying to figure this out for thousands of years.

One attempt at answering this question is moral relativism. The theory goes a bit like this:

“There is no such thing as universal right or wrong. People and cultures are free to form their own moral truths, and those truths are always correct, as there are no objective truths to compare them to.”

A lot of people today subscribe to moral relativism, but I believe it’s a dangerous concept that encourages individuals and entire societies to abandon the quest for betterment. Let me explain.

Excerpt taken from Why Young People Should Reject Moral relativism To Lead A Better Life article, published by by  Geoff Walters | | Best of Universal OwlPhilosophy  | Why Young People Should Reject Moral Relativism To Lead a Better Life | Universal Owl

