by Vicki Yamasaki, Founder, contact: CUP@corpuschristiforunityandpeace.org
Satan is said to be tap dancing over Biden’s recent actions. He couldn’t be prouder of Joe Biden and his cohorts, salivating over the accolades given to a select group of grave sinners this past week at the White House, honoring them with the Medal of Freedom. Outgoing President Biden awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom on January 4, 2025, to the following 19 individuals:
- Hillary Clinton – Former Secretary of State, responsible for Benghazi, strong and vocal abortion activist and feminist.
- George Soros – Philanthropist and mega Democratic donor, socialist, disruptor of fair elections, abortion and LGBTQ activist, criminal justice reformist, pro-BLM, pro-transgender rights, pro-feminism, pro-critical race theory, pro-immigration, pro-rights for sex workers.
- Anna Wintour – Vogue editor-in-chief and fashion icon. Significant figure in raising money for the Democrats, including Obama, Clinton, and Biden. Supporter of Planned Parenthood, advocate of ‘gender fluidity’, feminazi, award winner for LGBTQ advocacy, critical of religious individuals that she says “discriminate against LGBTQ individuals.”
- Tim Gill – Entrepreneur and LGBTQ+ rights activist. Major democratic donor. Instrumental in securing victories for same-sex marriage in multiple states. Funded Lambda Legal that went after Christians who refused to serve gays because of their religious beliefs.
- Michael J. Fox – Actor and advocate for Parkinson’s disease stem cell research using embryonic cells of babies.
- José Andrés – Chef and founder of World Central Kitchen, social justice and racial justice warrior, strong advocate for LGBTQ rights – all about inclusivity.
- Ralph Lauren – Fashion designer. Big democratic donor. Climate change activist.
- Magic Johnson – Retired NBA star and philanthropist. Big democratic donor. Vocal advocate for LGBTQ rights, and prominent AIDS activist.
- Bill Nye – Science educator and advocate. Intense advocate for COVID vaccines, including kids. Climate Change and LGBTQ activist, social justice activist.
- Lionel Messi – Soccer player (did not attend the ceremony due to scheduling conflicts). Pro-vaccines, speaker on income inequality.
- Jane Goodall – Ethologist and environmental conservationist.
- David Rubenstein – Billionaire, Philanthropist and co-founder of The Carlyle Group. Supporter of education, preserver of American history and promoter of peace.
- Denzel Washington – Actor, director, and producer, prolife, pro-PRIDE/LGBTQ.
- Bono – U2 frontman and apparent humanitarian activist for AIDS relief, pro LGBTQ rights.
- George Stevens Jr. – Writer, director, and founder of the American Film Institute. Social Justice, pro-LGBTQ/racial justice rights activist.
- Fannie Lou Hamer – Civil rights activist (posthumous).
- Robert F. Kennedy – Former Attorney General and Senator (posthumous).
- Ash Carter – Former Defense Secretary (posthumous).
- George W. Romney – Former Michigan Governor and HUD Secretary (posthumous).
This is after Biden awarded the Medal of Freedom to Cecile Richards in November 2024. Richards, the former Planned Parenthood president, oversaw almost 4 million abortions while she was its leader for over a decade. The Democrats, Satan, and his demons are celebrating that many of these recipients were honored for their exemplary contributions to the apparent prosperity, values, or security of the United States, world peace, or other significant societal, public, or private endeavors. However, as you can see, our Catholic president defied the Catholic teachings he knows well and honored activists who wish to:
- Support policies or political candidates that move us toward socialism.
- Destroy innocent life.
- Advocate for sodomy.
- Eliminate justice by freeing prisoners for the crimes they have committed.
- Foment racism and division.
- Fund attorney attack dogs to go after Christians who defend their religious beliefs.
- Advocate and fund immigration policies that are detrimental to the safety of our people and nation.
- Advocate for a vaccine that has likely killed thousands and injured hundreds of thousands.
It is not like Biden has not received warnings as the Bible has called for. There has been significant criticism from some Catholic bishops regarding Biden’s actions and stances, particularly on issues like abortion and same-sex marriage, which conflict directly with Church doctrine. Around the time of Biden’s inauguration, Archbishop Gomez of Los Angeles (USCCB President at the time) made a statement criticizing Biden for promoting policies that the USCCB believe advance “moral evils,” especially in the context of abortion. Biden clearly understands where the Catholic Church stands on the matter. Abortion and marriage between a man and a woman … these are non-negotiable matters. His advocacy for positions that run contrary to these Catholic doctrines are grave and they create a scandal. Even Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington, D.C., accused Biden of being a “cafeteria Catholic,” suggesting he selectively applies Catholic teachings, choosing those that align with his political views while ignoring or opposing others.
So clearly there is no confusion for “Catholic-in name only” President Biden on how he should practice his faith. Multiple bishops have admonished him and yet he brazenly chose to recognize the above list , a Den of Thieves. If one were to make a poster for Satan of his list of evil bandits, the honorees of Biden’s would be on it.
What we need now: Every bishop to speak out against the honorees of Biden’s while this is fresh. We cannot sit idly by and be silent while a Catholic president awards these grave sinners with the Medals of Freedom. Bishops are the guardians of Church doctrine and must be compelled to speak out when they see public figures causing confusion, yes scandal, among the faithful by their public actions or policies. We should all be very concerned with maintaining doctrinal unity and how public figures influence perceptions of Church teachings among the laity. It’s part of a bishop’s role to teach and guide on moral issues, and they have a responsibility to clarify Church positions, especially in high-profile cases. Out of love for Biden and the faithful, please bishops speak up. Priests please speak up.