Professor J.A. Timothy O'Donnell, CUP Vice Chairman of the Board CUP@corpuschristiforunityandpeace.org
In our post-Dobbs nation, the tumultuous battle to promote and defend the sanctity of life rages on. It’s been said that Democrats haven’t been this mad (i.e., abortion) since the Republicans freed the slaves. And in this election, abortion was on the ballot in 10 States: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, and South Dakota.

Three Wins for Life
This election marks our first victory since the Dobbs decision in 2022 when Florida, Nebraska, and South Dakota either fended off pro-abortion bills or enacted Pro-Life bills despite often being outspent 5x-10x on advertising. We should all be incredibly grateful, first and foremost, to Our Lady of Guadalupe, whose constant intercession before the Throne of God secured for us these common-sense protections to thwart the loss of innocent babies whose lives are being snuffed out by abortion. In addition, a huge THANK YOU to all of the workers in the vineyard of the Pro-Life movement whose prayers, sacrifices, and material support put into action our love for these precious children who deserve to live. You will find an informative Catholic perspective on the election results here: EWTN Pro-Life Weekly.
The Battle for Life: Victories and Challenges in a Post-Dobbs Era
But there is reason for deep concern. These ballot measures passed by thin margins while seven states capitulated to the prevailing Culture of Death. Our struggle continues.
Why does defending the sanctity of life and opposing the Culture of Death constitute such an intractable moral divide for our nation? Why don’t people – especially Roman Catholics – recognize the moral depravity of abortion and euthanasia and thus reject it resoundingly, overwhelmingly? There are many reasons. I want to offer one of the central theses because I believe it applies not only to Roman Catholics but also to the country as a whole.
When Truth is Morphed by Ideology
The eminent 20th-century Catholic Philosopher known for his opposition to National Socialism, Dietrich Von Hildebrand, gave three lectures now found in a single slim volume, Dethronement of Truth, and as the title suggests, he argues Western Civilization has cast off Truth as the ultimate, decisive judge (p. 3). Von Hildbrand extends his argument by positing Truth and the concern for whether a thing is true has been replaced exclusively by conformity: does a thing or statement conform or correspond to the ideology? – that’s the question. Directly taking the innocent life of a child in a mother’s womb under this rubric is no longer a question of whether it is true to state the slaughter of the innocents is morally reprehensible and forbidden by God Himself, but rather does abortion conform with the ideological commitments I hold? Does it correspond to my socio-political leanings?
Von Hildebrand applies this analysis to the two dominant ideological systems of the last century: Communism and Nazism. But it actually applies to all “-isms” of today such as relativism, secularism, Darwinism, gender ideology, etc. The list of errors is legion and growing because we have become dispensed with Truth. Generally, people simply have a non-caring attitude about it.
However, for the Christian, Truth is at the heart of who we are and why we were created. Hence, from a Christian perspective, truth can be understood as a correct apprehension of reality, either by an accurate perception of the world or made known by divine revelation. (CCC 2465). Going further, Truth is not merely a set of facts or propositions that correspond to reality but is a Person, the Divine Person Christ Jesus. The unbroken Sacred Doctrine of Holy Mother Church is not to shed innocent blood. The USCCB has consistently taught clearly that the sanctity of life is the preeminent moral issue of our day. Therefore, to hold a pro-abortion position for any reason is to dethrone the Truth. This perspective is in fact a commitment to an ideological system and worldview no longer concerned with the Truth as supreme Good and Just Judge over error. The most prominent and widely held example of this dethronement of Truth in our country is expressed in liberalism and progressivism (notably evident in the platform of the Democrat Party). To hold to an abortion mindset is to deprive oneself of Reality and separate oneself from the Truth. Roman Catholics must not support abortion or any of the grotesque features of the Culture of Death.
This brings to the fore the dangerous risk of eternal damnation because one is aligned with the Evil One:
And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice: If any man shall adore the beast and his image, and receive his character in his forehead, or in his hand; He also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mingled with pure wine in the cup of his wrath, and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the sight of the holy angels, and in the sight of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torments shall ascend up forever and ever: neither have they rest day nor night, who have adored the beast, and his image, and whoever receiveth the character of his name. (Rev 14:9-11)
God help us.
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
Professor Timothy J.A. O’Donnell