Vicki Yamasaki, Founder, Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace, CUP@corpuschristiforunityandpeace.org
In examining our fractious immoral nation, it is worth looking at Sacred Scripture to understand the context of the current American phenomena and what took place with the split of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
Historical Background
After King Solomon’s reign, the united kingdom of Israel split into two entities around 937 BCE due to political and social tensions. The northern tribes formed the Kingdom of Israel with its capital in Samaria, while the southern tribes formed the Kingdom of Judah with its capital in Jerusalem. The split was primarily caused by dissatisfaction with forced labor and heavy taxation under Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, who refused to reduce these burdens. Consequently, the ten northern tribes rebelled and established their own kingdom under Jeroboam. The Southern Kingdom, consisting of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, maintained the Davidic line. The split reflected deeper issues such as infidelity to God, improper governance, and misconstrued identity, which had lasting impacts on both kingdoms.
Consequences of the Split:
- Political Fragmentation: The split of the Twelve Tribes led to constant conflict between the Northern and Southern Kingdoms, weakening the overall strength of the Israelite people and making them more vulnerable to external threats, particularly Assyria and Babylon.
- Religious Corruption and Idolatry: The Northern Kingdom quickly fell into idolatry, especially the worship of golden calves. This led to a decline of religious integrity and moral standards as people engaged in various forms of syncretism and immorality which the prophets condemned. The Southern Kingdom, while maintaining worship in Jerusalem, also struggled with idolatry and moral decay.
- Prophetic Warnings: Prophets like Amos and Hosea called out the moral failings of both kingdoms, emphasizing the need for righteousness, right worship, and obedience to God’s Ten Commandments.
- Exile and Destruction: The Northern Kingdom was destroyed in 722 BC by the Assyrians, leading to the exile and loss of identity of the ten tribes. The Southern Kingdom faced a similar fate in 586 BC when the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple, leading to their exile.
- Long-Term Impact on Identity: The ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom never regained their identity and were absorbed into Assyrian culture. Judah, however, maintained a distinct identity and returned to Jerusalem after a long period of exile, though divisions and cultural rifts persisted.
Parallels to Today’s American Society
We can draw several parallels to our modern culture. The split of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms offers several parallels to the United States today, particularly with what we are witnessing with the extreme political division, moral decay, and the lack of moral faith in the public square today.
- Political Division: The nation is experiencing unprecedented political polarization. To address this division, it is essential to focus on God, Sacred Scripture, moral truths, and the dignity of the human person. Unfortunately, the concept of being one nation under God has been lost. For our ruptured nation to regain its strength, we must unite under God. Leaders who practice their faith and unite the nation under God will help achieve true indivisibility. However, both Church leaders and politicians often fear offending people of other beliefs, atheists, the ‘nones’ and the ‘disenfranchised.’ It is heart-wrenching to see the pope refuse while in prayer to make the Sign of the Cross or Cardinal Cupich hiding his crucifix while offering an invocation to appease others who do not believe or who he knows full well are steeped in sin. Political and Church leaders must govern according to spiritual and moral principles to bring the nation in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ and ultimately end the division. Division will cease when Truth is proclaimed and lived.
Let us remember the consequences faced by the Northern Kingdom for worshiping Baal and golden calves. They forsook God and the covenant, leading to their destruction. This serves as a warning for us today.
- Moral Decay: The Northern Kingdom’s descent into idolatry and moral corruption serves as a stark reminder for America, which literally celebrates the ‘freedom’ of abortion, transgender mutilation, gay marriage, idol worship, freemasonry, divorce, adultery, widespread use of contraception, while permitting sex trafficking of women and children and drug trafficking through illegal immigration and lacks accountability for sex abuse victims by priests. To regain high moral ground, priests must stand up at the ambo and insist that the Church itself and the laity uphold Catholic moral values and the Deposit of Faith. Emphasizing moral principles in public policy is crucial. Catholics must contribute to the fabric of society ensuring we defend the sanctity of life and marriage, religious liberties, and preserve natural law. These are non-negotiables.
- Group Think: Just as in the days of Jeroboam, American citizens are steeped in group think. Jeroboam, the first king of the Northern Kingdom, established alternative religious practices to prevent his people from going to Jerusalem (in the Southern Kingdom) to worship. This involved a degree of conformity within the Northern Kingdom, where some people likely conformed simply to get along.
Conformity is a significant factor today, especially among young adults. Although they may recognize problems, they often do not point them out because they have learned that you have to “go along to get along.” This phenomenon occurs because anyone who dissents within that faction becomes alienated, squeezed out, and effectively canceled.
- Crisis of Values: The fragmentation and moral decay experienced by both kingdoms serve as a reminder of the consequences of neglecting core values. In today’s society, we witness a similar crisis of values where relativism and disregard for absolute truths have led to a weakened social fabric. Relationships are strained and communities are fragmented. Pope Benedict XVI warned that this current crisis of values would do just this. He highlighted that just as the Northern Kingdom fell into idolatry and moral corruption, modern society appeared to be doing the same. The pope called for a return to Christ and a witness to faith to overcome these moral dilemmas.
Our call to action is rooted in the belief that true faith is inseparable from personal holiness and the pursuit of justice. In his book “Jesus of Nazareth”, Pope Benedict XVI emphasized the importance of returning to God and the consequences of turning away from Him, which is a reflection on the moral state of our society right now.
Pope Benedict XVI stated in a speech in 2008: “Wherever God is not acknowledged, there is a danger of moral decay, and the human being is left to his own devices, which leads to a loss of the sense of the good.”
The Church must be a sign of hope, a place where the truth is proclaimed and lived, and where moral order is upheld.
Warning Upon Warning
Sacred Scripture has given us ample warnings for us to understand that where moral decay, idolatry, and disobedience persist, there goes the downfall of that city or society:
- Sodom and Gomorrah: God rained down fire and brimstone upon these cities for their wickedness.
- Jericho: Joshua led the Israelites around Jericho seven times, and on the seventh day, the walls of Jericho collapsed because of their idolatry and sin.
- Babylon: Predicted to fall in the Book of Revelation for its evil, oppression, and rebellion against God.
There is a ray of hope. We know that Nineveh was set for destruction by God but ultimately spared. Why? Because they heeded the warning of impending judgment from their messenger, the prophet Jonah. They repented, and God spared the city. Sadly, later generations of Nineveh returned to their wicked ways, so this city too fell.
Prophet after prophet was sent to the Northern Kingdom of Israel to shake them from their wicked ways. The great prophets Elijah and Elisha, Amos, and Hosea were sent, yet their hearts were hardened to God’s warnings. Today, we have warnings from Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Akita, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of LaSalette, along with clergy warnings including those from Bishop Strickland, Father Ripperger, Father Murray, Fr. Charles Murr, Cardinal Sarah, Cardinal Burke, and Cardinal Zen among others.
What catalyst will prompt both America and the Church to awaken fully and embrace God’s teachings once again?
As we march decidedly toward ecumenism, acceptance, and broad tolerance, we find ourselves straying from objective truth. People scoff when devout Catholics are aghast at the apathy or silence of our leaders. The culmination of all of these behaviors tears apart our nation and our families and it jeopardizes the eternal salvation of souls.
I fear we are on a trajectory resembling that of the Northern Kingdom unless we witness a miracle —a wake-up call for both Church and political leaders to take necessary but perhaps politically unpalatable actions. To avert utter destruction, we must wholeheartedly turn away from wickedness and condemn idolatry. Let us condemn the idolatry of socialism, tyranny, totalitarianism, secularism, relativism, paganism, self-centeredness, and false gods. Let us turn back to God and the one truth faith and live it authentically.
Our Lady of America, pray for us