By John Curran
This article linked below on Colorado Democrats blocking attempts to increase penalties for child traffickers is just one of many, many acts of the turning upside down of values in our world.
The Trend is clear…The violence started with inventing unwritten language in the US Constitution that claimed a right to privacy and therefore abortion. Nearly simultaneously, with the nullification of that right 50 years later, nearly half the country supports a President who doubles down, a President who aggressively doubles down on his attack on children, promoting abortion through all nine months. A President who desires to spend taxpayer money to pay for travel and abortions for federal employees in states that prohibit child killing.
Meanwhile, this same President has the support of nearly half the voters to use taxpayer money for military men and women to mutilate their bodies to look less like their biological sex. Most of his supporters favor his leadership of sex “transitioning” of minor children, even without parental consent. His supporters fight attempts to ensure parents are kept in the loop when their children experience gender dysphoria. Even if members of his party do not support such actions, by voting for him, they enable his savaging of Christian morals.
The Trend is clear. There are forces in the world that want to destroy all morals and mores based on natural and Christian law. The article clearly points out that the President’s supporters are OK with letting child trafficking predators, who provide children so rapists can satisfy their carnal desires, off the hook.
The Trend is clear. There is no moral taboo that a significant number of liberals supporting the President are not willing to undo. Next up: Tossing out statuatory rape laws. After all, if society is OK with medical “professionals” mutilating children’s bodies through gender reassignment surgeries, even without parental consent, then what is the problem with girls under 16 having “consensual” sex with older men? “Mom and Dad, if you are against that, then just butt out,” could characterize the future thoughts of our current President and his supporters. You can be charged with interfering with your child’s natural desires and developments. Once the boundaries of behavior based on respect for our Creating God have been broken, then the dark forces of Satan’s Underworld have a field day turning humans created in God’s image into animals incapable of having an abstract thought, such as the existence of God.
Since many progressive members of the President’s party believe all desires are natural and any mores based on Christian morality are a violation of individual freedom; then why, in this Godless nation, should there be laws against beastiality, three way marriages, bigamy or polygamy? “Beastiality is a harmless activity that can harm no one,” your child’s professor may exclaim, except for maybe members of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals who may get upset. Well, maybe they would not be upset if they believed beastiality increased the happiness of their animals. While this is a disgusting subject, the Trend is clear.
Marriage is already treated like a blight by many victims of liberal education and the media. Allowing your children to attend, on your own dime, the plethora of “prestigious” institutions of higher learning that are infested with Godless brainwashers, is the definition of insanity. No? The normalization and promotion of LGBTQ+ and trans activities is an attack upon the institution of marriage. Marriage between a man and a woman has been the staple of civilizations for millennia. To glorify and celebrate LGBTQ+ and trans perversions should be anathema for Catholics who profess the Creed every Sunday.
The Trend is clear. Like the proverbial frog in a pot of heating water, the time to act is NOW. The more comfortable thing to do is to shrug, let someone else do something. After all, my priests and my Bishop don’t seem concerned; at least, they seldom, if ever mention the topics of this column. Don’t allow the Devil to tempt you with those thoughts!
The current megatrends in society are direct evidence of the devil unleashed. Powerful forces indeed! But, we Catholics have a much more powerful Force on our side, who promised to be with us for all time. Sharing in God’s grace is not a given. We must persevere in prayer. What better time than during this Lent to double down in prayer, imploring God to rescue our nation from the scourge of Godlessness, to protect those we love from the forces of worldliness, and to give ourselves the strength to publicly profess our values with the courage of a martyr, and to interact with charity, when appropriate, with policy makers and trend setters. If you didn’t click the link to the article that prompted this column, here it is again:
A specific example of community prayer to identify with is to join Cardinal Burke’s nine month novena for our Nation to return to Our Lady. That seems like a long time, eh? So did the nine months your mother carried you. Suck it up. Time to pay your mother back. Here’s the Cardinal’s link. Click it.
The Trend is clear.