CONTACT: Vicki Yamasaki, Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace at

July 15, 2024

A Public Profession of Faith

Details for the Revival’s Eucharistic Procession

Friday morning, to make way in our hearts for the reception of Our Blessed Lord, we’ll make way around the Indianapolis Convention Center with Our Blessed Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament.  That’s right!  We’re kicking things off with a Eucharistic procession.

The following paragraphs will explain what you need to know about participating.


Why, all of your of course!  If you’re attending our Traditional Eucharistic Revival, then we hope you will join us in our Eucharistic procession.  Fr. Fasching has graciously agreed to be the bearer of Our Blessed Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament,


The procession route is about a mile.  Be sure that you wear comfortable shoes, and drink plenty of fluids.


Have a look at the map below for the procession route.  The purple dotted line is the route, and the arrows show the direction of travel, clockwise, from the North West corner of West Street and West Maryland Street.  The route processes eastward, turns south on Capital Avenue, goes to South Street where it turns west, and follows Missouri north until it eventually returns to Victory Field.

If you’re processing with Our Blessed Lord from Victory Field we will leave out of Centerfield Gate at 10 AM.  We invite families to scatter rose pedals before Jesus in the monstrance as we process around the Indiana Convention Center, to proclaim Him our King. Don’t worry if you haven’t picked up rose petals yet—we will provide them for you. If your family is opting to scatter rose petals, be sure to pick up some at registration!



We’ll start at 10:00 am.  We expect that the procession will take about 45-60 minutes, as we will be processing at a comfortable, dignified pace befitting the dignity of Our Blessed Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament.



We hope that you’ll participate in one of two ways, either by processing with us right from Victory Field, or that you’ll join us in procession during the route.  We’ve secured nearly a thousand dollars of rose petals, which you can request when you check in! 

We invite you, especially if you have small children to go ahead of us, and wait for Our Blessed Lord, then as the procession approaches, scatter the petals along the route.  As the procession passes, join with us and return to Victory Field where we’ll follow the procession with the Holy Sacrifice of the Traditional Latin Mass making present the Holy Sacrifice of Calvary, where Our Blessed Lord won for us the ultimate victory.



 We’ll have plenty of volunteers on hand marking the major steps along the way. 

Please be sure that you are well-hydrated, as Indianapolis can be humid.  The current weather forecast for Indianapolis is mostly sunny and under 80 degrees Fahrenheit.  Should you require assistance, please don’t hesitate to speak up and our volunteers will help you.

Thank you for participating in our Traditional Eucharistic Revival!  We’re very excited for you joining us!


Vicki Yamasaki
Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace